German Space Passioneers From Stuttgart & Berlin

Over 35 years of knowledge from a former leading professor from Rolls Royce Turbines - carried on by true passioneers. Our approach? Performance & quality! Starship Xplorers and its team will change the space race.

Willy Latzo, CEO and Co-Founder of Starship Xplorers, Berlin, Germany. A true German Space Passioneer promoting a new type of spaceship, the Nova Nexus.

Willy Latzo

Founder & CEO, Berlin

Powerful life- and business experience with a commitment to transform our world. Willy Latzo decided to bring his ideas to life - to help mankind and save this precious world while exploring new frontiers in space with a new spaceship.



+ master in philosophy

+ world champion in martial arts

+ strong & committed

+ experienced business leader

Mark Fandrich, CTO and Co-Founder of Starship Xplorers, Stuttgart, Germany. A true German Space Passioneer promoting a new type of spaceship, the Nova Nexus.

Mark Fandrich

Co-Founder & CTO, Stuttgart

Committed to make an impact - on Earth and in Space. With his broad experience, from renewable energies to aviation to electric mobility development, he will lead the technological part of this adventure, sharing the same passion with Willy.



+ techie & trekkie

+ electric mobility

+ save our nature

+ revolutionize mobility

...And Team

Laura Oesmann, management assistant of Starship Xplorers, Switzerland. Another true Space Passioneer promoting a new type of spaceship, the Nova Nexus.

Laura Oesmann

Management Assistant, Switzerland

V. C.

CFO, Chief Financial Officer

A. A.

CPU - Chief Purchasing Officer & CNO - Chief Nature Officer

N. B.

Security Expert & Strategy Adviser Disruption & Defense

R. S.

Business Assistant, HR

not named

several engineers & professionals (internal & external)

Purpose - "Seeking Perfection Society"

Starship Xplorers Logo - The Green Space Company promoting its own innovative spaceship - the Nova Nexus.

People are searching for perfectionism through the satisfaction of needs through goods.

Of course we are seeking perfection in our technology but we want to establish a society that is free, having meaning in life and serving something beyond ourselves and developing the best within ourselves.


Change your choices, become innovative, become successful, become free. Build your skills - build yourself!

Or in our words: Let's save our wonderful blue planet together and lift mankind to the next level!

Starship Xplorers Logo - The Green Space Company promoting its own innovative spaceship - the Nova Nexus.